Background: Surface Damage Arises in Southern California Some cities in California often experience road surface temperatures as high as 160°F, creating vulnerability in the roadways. For some residential streets in LaQuinta, California, just...
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Background: Surface Damage Arises in Southern California Some cities in California often experience road surface temperatures as high as 160°F, creating vulnerability in the roadways. For some residential streets in LaQuinta, California, just...
eFlex Demo in St. Petersburg, Florida Hot Mix Asphalt is a crucial and important asset to any road network. It provides a durable, smooth surface with a rich, dark appearance commuters and agencies have come to appreciate and associate with a...
Rarely do we have an opportunity to see a side-by-side pavement preservation comparison — one side of a road treated and one side not. The road shown below offers an indisputable picture of the benefits of pavement preservation. This road...
The Rankin County, Mississippi, Road Department won both the 2019 Asphalt Emulsion Manufacturers Association (AEMA) Past President’s Award and the 2019 International Slurry Surfacing Association (ISSA) Pavement Preservation Excellence Award for t...
Background Conventional micro surfacing and slurry seal systems have played an important role in pavement preservation for the city of Dallas for decades. However, in the time it takes these systems to fully cure, especially during periods of...
Background When the time came for the Tennessee Department of Transportation (TDOT) Region 2 to repair a six-and-a-half-mile stretch of State Route (SR) 111 in Overton County, Tennessee, they wanted a cost-effective treatment that would repair...
Background: The pavement on the rest area along I-20 (near Mile Marker 85) in Tuscaloosa, Alabama, was oxidized and raveling. In addition to constant passenger vehicle traffic, the area was wrought with distresses caused by the heavily- loaded se...
Background: Congratulations to the Utah Department of Transportation (UDOT) and contractor Geneva Rock, winners of the International Slurry Surfacing Association (ISSA) 2020 Excellence in Pavement Preservation Award. This $2.6 million high-volum...
TREATMENT PLAN: TDOT Region 2 awarded the SR-111 micro surfacing job to Hudson Construction, a contractor Ergon has supplied on previous projects. Hudson typically paves with their in-house conventional micro surfacing product in this region....
Cape seals combine the benefits of two treatments for increased protection of underlying road layers by preventing water intrusion and providing a durable wearing course. Project DetailsIn preparation for the cape seal project, the City, along...
What is Cape Seal?A cape seal is a combination of treatments used to provide long-term protection of underlying road layers and a tougher, more durable wearing surface. Cape seal combinations include chip seal and slurry surfacing systems, and, f...
Choosing the Right Treatment — Trial RunIn 2017, ALDOT decided to test highly modified micro surfacing as part of their I-59 maintenance efforts. The treatment was applied along Mile Markers 19-21. Although highly modified micro surfacing had be...