Jake Neitsch
Facility Asst. Manager: Facility Telephone:(806) 589-4850
Facility Fax:(806) 589-4850
Facility Address:1611 Marshall Street Lubbock, TX 79403
Tracy Cumby
Sales Telephone: Sales Office Fax:(512) 469-9292
Sales Office Address:2464 CR 351
Justiceburg, TX 79330
Alvin Alexander
Sales Telephone: Sales Office Fax:(806) 983-0490
Sales Office Address:1611 Marshall Street
Lubbock, TX 79403
Jim Hull
Sales Telephone:Click here.
Click Treatment | Description | Products |
Tack Coat - Conventional | A tack or bond coat is an application of emulsion or asphalt binder that is sprayed onto the roadway surface immediately prior to a paving operation. The adhesion of multiple lifts of pavement provides for maximum structural coefficient and ensures the safety and longevity of the pavement structure. | CSS-1H |
Chip Seal - Conventional | A spray-applied application of asphalt emulsion or binder followed by an application of a single layer of aggregate used to provide friction, seal cracks less than ¼ inches wide and reduce the intrusion of water into roadway structures. Typically used on more rural routes with low-to-moderate ADTs. Life extensions of 5-7 years are typical. | CRS-2 |
Chip Seal - Modified | A wearing course of spray-applied polymer modified asphalt emulsion or binder followed by an application of a single layer of aggregate used to provide friction, seal cracks less than ¼ inches wide and preserve roadways. The modification provides resistance to higher ADT routes and provides for a relatively quick return to traffic. Life extensions of 6-7 years are seen. | CRS-2P, CMS-2P (eScrub) |
Chip Seal - Premium | A polymer modified chip seal system designed for maximum aggregate adhesion and the shortest return-to-traffic time for the highest ADT routes. Life extensions of 6-7 years are expected. | CHFRS-2P |
Rejuvenating Scrub Seal | Surface treatment designed as a mass crack sealer with frictional properties of a chip seal. Used on roadways with high-density, top-down cracking as a wearing course or interlayer. Provides life extension of 6-7 years. | CMS-2P (eScrub) |
Full Depth Reclamation | FDR is a complete rehabilitation technique addressing all major distresses throughout the pavement structure and into the base. All roadway materials are combined in-situ and compacted to form an improved base. This is followed by the appropriate wearing course of hot mix asphalt installed to provide the required structural coefficient. | CSS-1H |
Fog Seal - Conventional | A preservation technique that involves spraying a diluted asphalt emulsion onto an asphalt surface. Used to enhance aggregate retention and seal hairline cracks. Life extensions of 1-2 years are typical. | CSS-1H |
Fog Seal - Rejuvenating | A preservation technique that involves spray applying a light application of a polymer modified asphalt emulsion containing a rejuvenator. Typically used to seal cracks 1/8 inch and smaller and to return original properties to the upper portion of an asphalt mixture. Life extensions of 2-4 years can be achieved. | CMS-1PF (eFog) |
Prime Coat - Conventional | An application of emulsion or asphalt binder to a soil base in preparation for the wearing course. Typical use is prior to a chip seal or hot mixed asphalt application; the prime provides protection of the soil against rainfall in staged construction and serves as a bond promoter for the eventual surface. Prime coats are also used as a curing seal for cement-treated bases. | AE-P |
Paving Grade Asphalt | A wide range of asphalt cement used in the manufacturing of Hot Mix Asphalt. The asphalt binder may be modified and is designed with respect to climate and roadway structural requirements for traffic loading. | Paving Grade Asphalt |
Click Treatment | Description | Products |
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