Background Interstate I-475 Maintenance Project Georgia’s interstate system has some of the highest quality pavements money can buy: open graded friction courses (OGFCs). These mixes make excellent wearing surfaces due to their high frictio...
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Background Interstate I-475 Maintenance Project Georgia’s interstate system has some of the highest quality pavements money can buy: open graded friction courses (OGFCs). These mixes make excellent wearing surfaces due to their high frictio...
One hundred lane-miles of State Route 3, which run through the city of Zebulon, Georgia, were experiencing slight raveling and block cracking on the 12-year old Open Graded Friction Course (OGFC) surface. It was time to take proactive measures toward...
Micro Surfacing Yields Consistently High Friction High friction (or skid resistance) allows vehicles to move at accelerated speeds while reducing the tendency for slipping and sliding of tires along pavement, thereby decreasing the risk of ski...
Historically, many road owner agencies in the Boston metro area and throughout the region would utilize mill-and-pave/mill-and-fill techniques every 10 to 12 years to address roadway distresses brought on by aging, traffic and environmental fact...