Whether you are planning for an upcoming paving season and researching options to get the most mileage out of your budget - or looking for assistance with techniques and technologies of pavement preservation and maintenance - Ergon Asphalt & Emulsions (EAE) Area Sales Managers (ASMs) are prepared to serve as your resource.
With individual experience in the asphalt and emulsions field ranging from one to 41 years, this team has amassed nearly 900 years of collective industry experience. And they put all of that knowledge to work every day, serving customers throughout the U.S. and Mexico.
According to Patrick Nation, EAE Senior Vice President of Sales & Marketing, Ergon's ASMs have a real desire to create genuine relationships with customers. "Their ability to listen closely and then act upon what the customer is communicating help make the customer successful," he explained. "That's what Ergon has done so well for all these years."
That is actually the mantra of the entire Ergon organization, which was founded in 1954 by Leslie Lampton Sr. He often said, "Ergon's success is based on our ability to understand the needs of our customers."
What Sets Us Apart
"Our commitment to our customers sets us apart from the competition, along with our efforts to share experiences and knowledge," said Bear Horne, ASM in Mississippi. If you ask Ralph Meeks, ASM in New Mexico, what it is that sets EAE apart from the competition, he will tell you, "It's that we do what we say we will do." Customers know they can depend on Ergon's ASMs, and they appreciate the fact that they are not constantly upselling. Their credibility stems from a real desire to help customers find the right product for the right distress at the right time.
Support When and Where You Need It
"We are really the only asphalt company out there, at least out in our markets, that provides any sort of technical service, support or field support on projects," said Larry Erickson, Vice President - Western Region. Ergon's ASMs often field calls from contractors and agencies seeking advice for products Ergon didn't supply because other companies will not visit jobsites to support their own products.
Beyond their day-to-day responsibilities for pricing asphalt products and providing customer support, ASMs follow up on technical issues as needed. They also provide information ranging from product specifics to industry trends and assist customers as they attempt to project how market prices will impact future costs. No matter what kind of issue or question might arise, someone on the Sales & Marketing Team will know how to handle it.

Support of a World-Class Lab
All regions throughout the U.S. have an open communication line with Paragon Technical Services, EAE's laboratory and product development arm which designs, develops and tests formulations. Paragon provides proven, real-world data to maximize product efficiency and performance while helping to maintain product integrity.
"If we are having issues on a job and we are struggling to figure it out locally, we schedule a conference call with Paragon to solve issues in the field and make adjustments to the formulas or whatever we have to do to make the product work better," Larry added.
Answers Based on Experience and Training
"We are able to offer the resources of a tremendous number of people with varied experiences in all aspects of the business," Alvin Alexander, ASM in Texas, added. "Our answers to problems are based on past experiences and we offer information on how to use certain products and sometimes just which products to use."
"When it comes down to what really sets Ergon apart from the competition, it's not only the experience that our ASMs possess, but their professional acumen as well," said Tim MacDonald, Vice President - Mid-Continent Region. "Many of them have engineering or business backgrounds. They have been in the industry for a long time, and they can actually apply their business experience to industry-specific issues."
On Tim's team alone are two former department of transportation employees: one engineer and another employee who ran crews for several years and has onsite project experience with equipment and products. This knowledge helps minimize resources needed to solve problems.
"The experience we have working with our products and knowledge of the various processes our products are used for are very important," explained Cody Chambliss, ASM in Texas. "Our willingness to provide educational sessions or go out on projects with our customers to make sure they understand the processes helps them to succeed."
And Ergon is committed not only to serving customers, but to contributing to advancements for the industry as a whole. The disciplinary sharing between EAE Sales and Operations, Technical Operations, and Paragon is fed by knowledge contributed by the ASMs. The information that they feed back into this the team is incredibly important and leads to improvements for the entire industry.
The Ergon Way
Continuing the Ergon way of focusing on relationships has become more of a challenge throughout the pandemic, when face-to-face time with our customers is not easy. But they will always be a top priority for Ergon's ASMs. "We have always been known as a value-added company," Larry Tomkins, Vice President - Southeast Region, commented. "We are all about the customers and how we can help make them more successful."
At the end of the day, Ergon's ASMs are the ones who make that happen. "They do so much more than sell," Patrick added. "They are a true resource because they have a real desire to create genuine relationships with customers. Ergon's ASMs are the representatives on the front line who allow us to continue Mr. Lampton's legacy at every turn."