State agencies have been collecting big wins over the past few years for their preservation programs utilizing Ergon’s emulsions. Pavement Preservation Journal recently recognized Ergon Asphalt & Emulsions award-winning solutions for DOTs in Utah and Mississippi. Find out how each agency was able to strengthen their roadways and improve performance using the right treatment on the right road at the right time. And a special thanks to pavement preservation journal for the magazine feature. View the full stories below.
Micro Surfacing Extends Service Life Nearly 15 Years in Mississippi, Wins ISSA Award
The Mississippi Department of Transportation received the new International Slurry Surfacing Association (ISSA) Preservation Performance Award for a 2005 micro surfacing treatment that's still holding strong along 12 miles of Highway 61 in Tunica County.
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Utah’s Cape Seal on High-Traffic Road Improves Durability, Recognized by ISSA
The Utah Department of Transportation received the ISSA Excellence in Pavement Preservation Award for their cape seal project on 10 miles of the highly trafficked SR-9 (leading from the City of Hurricane to Zion National Park). At 35% of the cost of a mill and fill, the SR-9 cape seal consisted of scrub seal and micro surfacing applications to treat block and thermal cracking and raveling, while making the road more durable and able to withstand repeat pressure from heavy traffic.
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Contact your local salesperson for more information on how these treatments can improve your road’s performance and extend service life.