Success Story:

Rejuvenating Mass Crack Treatment Restores TN Highway


Seal mass cracking


eScrub Rejuvenating Scrub Seal


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State Route
56 – TN


Mass Cracking


<1,000 ADT




Hudson Construction


Ergon Asphalt & Emulsions


A section of SR 56, composed of aged, dense-graded hot mix, was experiencing mass cracking.


TDOT needed to find a long-term solution to address this issue while staying within their road maintenance budget.

At less than half the cost of a mill and fill, a scrub seal allows agencies to seal cracks long term while also providing friction and enhanced durability

The economical eScrub application is expected to extend the service life of the treated section of SR 56 by up to seven years.

The Tennessee Department of Transportation (TDOT) decided a scrub seal would be the best option to address cracking along State Route 56. TDOT is no stranger to applying scrub seal, having used the treatment on roads throughout their network for 10+ years.

At less than half the cost of a mill and fill, a scrub seal allows agencies to seal cracks long term while also providing friction and enhanced durability. During the scrub seal process, emulsion is sprayed onto the road surface. A broom sled attached to the distributor forces the emulsion deep into voids and cracks. Aggregate is spread on top of the emulsion and then compacted. The roadway is then swept, which is a common practice following a scrub seal in order to remove excess aggregate from the road surface prior to return to traffic.

SR 56 Application

In May 2021, the contractor, Hudson Construction, applied a scrub seal treatment to five miles of SR 56. Ergon Asphalt & Emulsions’ eScrub rejuvenating scrub seal was Hudson’s emulsion of choice for this project. The emulsion was shot at 0.32 gallons per square yard and the spread rate for the aggregate (# 8 stone) was 18 pounds per square yard. Traffic was returned to the surface one hour after application.

The economical eScrub application is expected to extend the service life of the treated section of SR 56 by up to seven years.

Additional Use

In addition to serving as a stand-alone treatment, a scrub seal can also be applied as a stress absorbing interlayer or as the first course of a cape seal. Learn how other agencies are using eScrub here: eScrub Success Stories. Then, contact your local salesperson to find out if scrub sealing with eScrub is the right solution for your roads.


Click Treatment Description
Rejuvenating Scrub Seal Surface treatment designed as a mass crack sealer with frictional properties of a chip seal. Used on roadways with high-density, top-down cracking as a wearing course or interlayer. Provides life extension of 6-7 yea...
Treatment Description