Ergon Asphalt & Emulsions, Inc. Tampa, FL

Facility Information

Facility Manager:

Chris Pyles

Facility Telephone:

(813) 210-8469

Facility Address:

4001 E. 7th Ave
Tampa, FL 33605

Sales Manager:

Jamie Hill

Sales Telephone:

(813) 373-2035

Sales Manager:

Jose Hernandez

Sales Telephone:

(813) 625-8373

Technical Marketing Manager:

Jason Neighbors

Technical Marketing Telephone:

(813) 842-7628

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Available Products

Click Treatment Description Products
Bond Coat/Tack Coat - Trackless A trackless bond or tack coat is an application of emulsion or asphalt binder with trackless properties that is sprayed onto the roadway surface immediately prior to a paving operation. The trackless properties ensure the bonding material stays where it is needed, resisting being picked up by tires, paving equipment and haul trucks and tracked across the job site. Adjacent structures and striping are protected for tracking associated with conventional materials. NTQS-1
Tack Coat - Conventional A tack or bond coat is an application of emulsion or asphalt binder that is sprayed onto the roadway surface immediately prior to a paving operation. The adhesion of multiple lifts of pavement provides for maximum structural coefficient and ensures the safety and longevity of the pavement structure. SS-1H
Prime Coat - Solventless An ecologically friendly emulsion containing no petroleum solvents, providing a rapid cure that facilitates same-day paving. SPMS
Paving Grade Asphalt A wide range of asphalt cement used in the manufacturing of Hot Mix Asphalt. The asphalt binder may be modified and is designed with respect to climate and roadway structural requirements for traffic loading. Paving Grade Asphalt
Click Treatment Description Products